Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Triceps and Triglycerides

I have recently been accused of telling very long stories, so I will try to start this one at the very beginning (as I have been told this is a very good place to start) and see how fast I can get through it.

Three months ago I went to see my doctor (don’t let the time frame discourage you). I was informed that my triglycerides were high, very high, and my good cholesterol was, well, the polar opposite. I was informed that if I didn’t want to have a heart attack before I hit 40 I needed to cut some of the fat and artificial sweeteners out of my diet and increase my physical activity.

As early death is not currently on my list of life ambitions, I have taken her advice. I am down to one diet soda a day, I have been caught eating salads, I have grounded myself from all elevators (I work on the 5th floor), and I have taken to a religious regiment of increasingly difficult pushups. (This is where Missy makes a quip about my employer).

I have personally seen and felt the effects of these efforts for a while and have often tried to show my loving wife, Kodie, the effects of my efforts. She typically says something to the effect of “Oooh, looking good honey!”

Being the trusting soul that I am, I have taken all of her compliments at face value until a few nights ago. As I was changing to go to bed Kodie came in to our bathroom. Looking at my arms she exclaimed “Holy cow! You really are getting stronger!”

I gave her a dumb founded look and said, “This is what I have been showing you for that last few weeks.” To which she replied, “Well I was just being NICE then. THIS time I can REALLY see a difference!”

This comment has left me with some conflicting emotions. On one hand it looks like I am REALLY making some noticeable progress, which is good. But on the other hand I no longer feel I trust in the sincerity of any compliments I may receive from my wife, which is not so good. I am so torn over these conflicting feelings that I am at a loss as to the validity of my own perception of reality.

Maybe early death isn’t such a bad idea…and what is a triglyceride anyway?


Kodie said...

I sincerely enjoyed this post. I would just like to say it is hard to notice minute differences in muscle mass on a day to day basis.

Brigette said...

Hang in there Christopher.

Mark said...

Really you just need to know how to check your watch better "Oops, wrong arm, i need to check it on this arm!", or point out things that are o v e r here, and o v e r there!

It's all good though, some day you'll just look at your arms and come to the self realization that "Dude, my arms are huge!"

Jil said...

I finally read your blog! I enjoyed it fully, despite making Kodie tell me about it yesterday. (I do seem to recall you had two diet sodas at my house yesterday, I must be wrong.)

Keep it up!

Auntie M said...


Does your employer require everything you do to be religious? For example religious consumption of chocolate? Or perhaps religious couch potato moments?
If so, are they hiring for an Oracle Applications Director?